In My WYLDest Dreams Part #3

Taylor Swift Wildest Dreams Music Video Scene

Hello WYLDones,

Time sure flies… and I’m already on my 3rd week of my internship here at theWYLDshop! This week’s schedule was definitely slower paced and more focused on polishing my skills. It was time to get down to the actual technicalities, no more skimping over the details!!!

One of the most helpful skills I learnt was managing online purchases and understanding the various package delivery systems in Singapore. In this modern era, where the digital world is moving super fast, I feel learning any skills relating to e-commerce are beneficial. theWYLDshop is mainly an online store and we receive quite a few orders throughout the week and this week I was taken through the steps of preparing orders for immediate mailing. Surprisingly, the process is quite involved and requires you to be very meticulous!!

[Helpful Tip: If you’re considering setting up/already have an online store, be sure to shop around for a courier service that best suits your business preferably with as low cost as possible]

During the week we had a visitor from a regular #WYLDone – who came down to our showroom to try on our latest collection. Man she had a bangin’ bod!! She’s Peruvian with a beautiful light olive complexion and dark features - so easy to style and literally everything flattered her figure so well!! I feel that the showroom concept is really what sets theWYLDshop apart as an online store. Bid farewell to the typical fear of buying the wrong sizes online by personally trying them on!!!

[Helpful Tip: I realise being friendly and comfortable with your customers is really important The easy casual hospitality and most definitely, the awesome range of fabulous outfits keep them wanting more!!]

One of the most “arduous” tasks (yes…I am highly unfit and easily tired) was doing stock count. Who knew 2 racks of clothing…ALONE…would take me several hours??? Afterwards, I still had to compare it to the quantity stated on our online system for consistency. This entire process robbed me of my entire afternoon but you gotta do what you gotta do

Fashion Magazines Pile


Last week, Kara made me binge watch Gossip Girl. This week, I was tasked to plop myself on the couch and flip through fashion magazines. (I mean who could say no the boss…right? ;)) If you’re a graphic design noob like me, fashion magazines and Pinterest will become your next BFF. They are the perfect sources of inspiration to get your creative juices flowing and start forming stunning graphic layouts for blogs/ads/magazines/many more!!

Even though I still spend bulk of my time re-editing on Photoshop, I am truly thankful for this internship because am learning new skills each week. I feel I'm improving and becoming more confident and professional in my designs. As they say, “practice makes perfect”.

Lastly, I was asked to brainstorm several blog topics for the upcoming weeks! Initially, I thought it couldn’t be too hard. Right? WRONG. It became evident that one of the biggest challenges for most bloggers is probably coming up with new AND original content every few days or each month. In a world where we’re saturated with information, how do you create a blog that stands out amidst the plethora of online fashion sites?!? The struggle is very real *sighs*

[Helpful Tip: Subscribe to online magazine newsletters to keep updated on what’s happening, as well as, knowing what type of content will be most attractive to your readers :)]

That’s all for this week! TA TA for now and I’ll see you guys real soon!!! :)

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