Adam Selman X Le Specs in Singapore
Hey WYLD Ones!
Got some more wicked Sunnies from Le Specs! This time a collaboration with the American designer, Adam Selman. Let's just say... #OMG.... this Collection is as Rachel Zoe would say... "Ba na nas"!!!
I also want to share we have a fab new little WYLD one on board who's just returned from 5 years in Oz! Meet Eileen Poh.....
Hey guys, Eileen here and this is my first week interning at! Things are great here as I get to be surrounded by so many beautiful Aussie clothes! As I’ve recently returned from a study stint in Melbourne, Australia where I had the absolute best time, and now miss it terribly. However, I am really eager to share my internship journey with you and in the next post, I’ll tell you a little bit more about myself and my time in Oz, so be sure to stay tuned!!
First up, I'm delighted to share with you our wicked new Adam Selman X Le Specs Sunglass Collaboration that is exclusively stocked in Singapore by us!
We are excited to introduce, the man who designed and created Rihanna’s nearly naked crystallized dress for the CFDA fashion awards in 2014!! This eyewear collection sees him teaming up with Australian Le Specs designer, Hamish Tame who says “ We were looking to work with someone who could create something truly unique and push the envelope in terms of attitude and energy ”. It is also mentioned that "Adam Selman's designs are instantly recognizable where he knows what the 'it' girls what". Hence, with his collection so striking and remarkable, it will most probably leave an impact in today’s fashion.

What inspired Adam Selman for his collection is worth knowing! Inspired by his favourite eyewear moments in film—The Hunger and the 1962 Lolita gave rise to a collection of cherry red cat-eyes and smoky, silvery, narrow aviators. It’s the kind of retro-futuristic shades to pair with popsicle-stained lips and a spell to match.

Don't you love how great these Adam Selman's Sunglasses look?
It even made it to the likes of celebrities! Check out Rihanna and Lady Gaga!

Have fun & be confident!
Live WYLD Live Free be - be WHO YOU WANNA BE!