Online Workouts that motivated #theWYLDcrew during Lockdown

Dear WYLDones, 

How are you all doing? I know that it is still a taxing and stressful time as we have moved into Phase Two of the reopening of the city. But lots of positives with kindergartens opening back up and kids heading back to school, some returning to the office and just being able to walk out of the house, sit down enjoy a cup of coffee or chat to someone in person. So many simple things that we may have once taken for granted. 

Now, it is still MOTIVATION MONDAY, so I am going to sneak this post in to share the Workout Routines and Classes that our Crew have been doing during lockdown. Now it doesn't matter what level of fitness you are or if you did any type of exercise during the lockdown, because we know it was a struggle mentally for a lot of people. But I wanted to share because having a great crew who actually made a point of working out inspired me greatly to do it myself. I was very lethargic to begin with and over lockdown I am going to admit that I was not consistent as some of the online timings for my regular classes did not fit my lockdown mode with a 4 year old and trying to sustain a business. I also admit that I made some excuses (in my head) that I didn't have time...Which is not true, I did - I just didn't make the time... like I would have pre-covid. That's what also inspired me to write this post, because I know that exercise is extremely beneficial to one's overall well being. 

And there's been this thought swirling around in my head for quite sometime now. Actually no, it's been a statement that I think to myself EVERYTIME I work out!! LOL!! Prior to COVID-19, when life was in full swing, after dropping bae at school, I would head to my place of fitness called Inspire Fitness  which is conveniently located above the shop! It was like I knew what to expect each time, but always found parts of the workout particularly gruelling. The 8:30am Strength and Conditioning I was attending was fantastic as the class was always different but always incorporated some boxing which I love the best ( esp the kicking part). Not sure why I like to kick stuff - but I find it quite enjoyable and it makes me feel powerful and strong. 

Anyhoo, getting back to the statement - " I know why people don't like exercise - because it's HARD WORK!" - I literally am thinking this to myself as I grunt doing those battle rope things, or I'm struggling to do continuous push-ups or those silly side planks or groan because I'm getting super tired of throwing another jab cross hook combo as we reach the 3 minute mark. I think to myself gosh, I can't wait until the day where this is not such hard work - but as an after thought - I do give myself credit for actually showing up and then realign my thoughts to thinking - that if it wasn't hard or had some challenging element - then it probably wasn't worth doing in the first place....LOL

Because the reality is some of the things that are actually good for us ARE FREAKING HARD. Which scares a lot of us away.... But as the saying goes, hard work never hurt anyone and when we see the results of our hard work & feel better for it - this is what keeps us motivated to keep going!! 

Now on this topic of discussion, throw COVID-19 in the mix and what do we have --- basically "I had no excuse not too" says our Loo Loo referring to her attitude towards working out at home. Loo has done a mix of phenomenal Blogilates You Tube videos - mostly ab workouts which are so damn good - as I have personally done a couple. They are insanely good actually because they are quick!!! LOL and are so perfect for us time poor Mumma's who generally try to do everything, be everything and are basically exhausted most of the time... LOL... The other home work out Loo does regularly is Maddie Lymburner's MadFit - you can subscribe to both these amazing women on YouTube.  



Now our WYLD Mumma Gaya, apart from always looking so gorge and fit generally has been doing a few different workouts at home to keep up her amazing stamina!! Between working and homeschooling her two beautiful daughters, she has still managed to find the time to take care of herself and slot in time to play the fitness game.

She has been doing Leslie Sansone's Burn Body Fat 3 Mile - Walk at Home - which seems like a long work out, but looks kinda fun as she incorporates hand weights  (which she mentions you don't have to use throughout the entire workout) and just continually walks / steps the entire time!!!! Can also check her out here at Walk at Home 

Gaya also dabbles in a few app workouts too - so check these out 7M Workout Yoga-Go & Jilian Michaels if you're keen! She says "Whether it's a walk or a HIIT session in your living room, its a boost to your mind, body and soul. There are times when i go full force or have stopped because of my hectic schedule, but i push myself to try and so something most days. And days I can't, I try not to beat myself up about it. We all have busy schedules, and if you have even 30 mins, I'd say fight those first 5 mins, which are always the hardest to get up or out and move. Exercise gives me that dose of positive vibes for the day. That's what keeps me going." 

yoga home workout walk fit


Now our gorgeous Niesa who is part of our WYLD Sales Crew and now an Online Marketing Assistant has also been keeping shape by doing these workouts repeatedly! Now who doesn't want 9 Free ways to a Flatter Stomach ?? - YAY- THANK YOU  Rebecca Louise !! - follow her on INSTA for more fitspo  @rebeccalouisefitness OR Dare you you to try this 25 Minute Full Body Workout by Chloe Ting!!! Niesa mentions to me "This is way harder but a lot of people are doing this!" - hmmm I am yet to try it Nies - but I'll eventually give it a stab and let you know how I go! LOL

chloe ting home workout


Now our stunning 18 year old Digital Marketing intern Miss Lush Lowndes keeps her svelte little frame fab by doing these Youtube Workouts from Chloe Ting and Maddie Lymburner, who like Loo, Lusha is also a fan. One of her faves is the 15 Minute INTENSE SIX PACK Workout  (No equipment at home). Lusha has shared with us before her personal story of suffering from anxiety and mentions she does struggle to get motivated especially during this time in lockdown mode but has managed to amp up her stay at home workouts as well as trying to run 2kms a day...

chloe ting madfit abs workout home


So not only have my WYLD crew inspired me to get off my butt and move my bod, I have the most extraordinary community of fit and fabulous friends who always keep me inspired. I knowwwww I really should be doing them but if I am not actually doing these workouts I am constantly inspired by them and of course I follow their journeys.  Citira Hayes, my beautiful inside and out BFF is the Founder of BEATBOX boxing fitness classes that are FUN, ENERGETIC, ENGAGING total body workouts designed for Everyone! Pre-covid you could attend classes at Core Collective Dempsey Hill and The Ring on Kim Yam road but during the lockdown Citira has continued to motivate and inspire the members of her community by conducting ZOOM classes. Not only has she provided the workouts but has also made a huge effort to add value to their lives by inviting Guest Speakers to address her community that have covered issues such as back pain and dealing with anxieties during the lockdown. If you are keen on joining her wonderful community or even doing a trial workout please reach out to her through email or book a class through MIND BODY. 

home workout fitness


Another beautiful woman whom I follow closely is Liv Lo Golding who is Currently  based in LA. Whilst living in Singapore she created an online program called FitSphere by Liv Lo  that's designed for all levels of fitness that incorporates Yoga, HIIT and weighted balls called Spheres. Since moving overseas has also continued to inspire her community with her authenticity and sweet energy. She has created an ongoing series of LIVE STREAM dance, breathing and meditation classes that you can access via her website starting at $10 US. 

During the lockdown it was such a joy to get back on an actual push bike! My thighs have certainly thanked me for it! Apart from running and walking, there really was no other outdoor physical activity that was allowed. So to get our daily does of fresh air, I would take my son riding this was in place of doing a home workout. In hindsight I wish I'd done both and been more consistent, but I am not beating myself up. I am excited for the city to open up again and of course our little shop! And I look forward to going back to my Inspire Boxing Training, driving over to do a BEATBOX Class once a week and also finally signing up to Liv Lo's FitSphere workouts that I can do at home or on the go!! 

I would love to hear about the workouts that you guys have been doing! I Please do feel free to share with us your favourite home workout routine, program or fitness instructor, this will keep me inspired to keep moving. 

Remember if it's not HARD or doesn't CHALLENGE you on some level it's probably not worth doing!!! Get into it, WORK OUT HARD, feel the hurt, see the results!!!

Have an AHHMazzing week ahead


Kb xoxo 










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