May 31, 2019
Welcome to #theWYLDblog 2019!!
G’day WYLDones,
It’s Kb here. Just wanting to say happy Mid- 2019!! How’s everyone’s year been so far??? As we reach the half-yearly mark of 2019 - it in-fact marks our 1st Anniversary of opening our little shop in the Joo Chiat Hood. It has been an absolutely awesome year and I can’t even begin to THANK YOU for ALL your encouragement and support.
So…. we are finally about to start getting our show on the road and ramping up our social media and blog! As an entrepreneur, speaking out of sheer first hand experience ~ IT IS TOUGH ~ trying to do it all. And it has taken me nearly 7 years to really grasp certain concepts of running a small business and it’s only now that I am formulating plans to really roll out bringing more of my WYLD vision to life.
It’s beyond wonderful to be hand-picking and bringing in a selection of beautiful Australian styles, mixing it up with amazing local / Asia based brands and really becoming a showcase for our eclectic little mix. And sharing these awesome products and creating a space where people can feel free to experiment and have fun brings me great joy!
However, all these years on this roller coaster ride has really allowed me to observe and understand the importance of how people feel about themselves and their life. It has always been an underlying part of the vision but I have never really been able to articulate it well through social media as I have always been more confident at doing things face to face. I think that absolutely stems from what I have done my whole career. Which is face to face selling - either in a retail based environment or out on the road selling doing door to door. But with “Social Media” being an important platform for sales and engagement, it in a way has forced me to get out of my comfort zone and try and put myself out there. Which I know is something that a lot of you struggle with.
My love of selling is one thing but my love for people and relationships is on a whole other level. YOU, the PEOPLE inspire this business. We exist because my mission is to spread joy & positive vibes in Singapore and beyond, in the hope that more humans feel good about themselves and their lives. Because WHO doesn’t want to feel good about themselves and their life? At first glance we may just look like another Online Fashion Store. However, my intention for building WYLD and persevering through the roller coaster journey of the start-up / entrepreneurship world lies with a passion for empowering people to love and appreciate themselves, practice daily gratitude and mindfulness, so YOU can experience a happy, fun, fulfilling life.
TRUST ME - I know that life isn’t always about sunshine, rainbows and unicorns running through sunflower fields. And the reason I know, is because I AM human. I have experienced exhaustion, self doubt, OVERWHELM, intense sadness & heartache, anxiety, GUILT, bouts of depression, FEAR, panic attacks and most recently constant migraines caused by muscle strain & STRESS. All of which are horribly negative and debilitating, but just to be clear - even though I do want to spread love, joy and all that positive blah blah blah…. I am acutely aware that life can be challenging on all fronts and I do not want to pretend that it is not.
EVERYONE is struggling with something. We are all unique and come with our own set of challenges in life. We are just here as a community, as a reminder that you’re awesome ~ that YOU are the best source for your own happiness and want you to "Live WYLD live Free" with the confidence to dream and be who YOU want to be.
After all that.. I want WYLD to be a place that entertains and informs, always with a feel good factor. So follow us on the gram or sign up at the bottom right of our homepage to receive our bi-monthly newsletter #thewyldword to keep in the loop with all that's happening in our crazy world!!
THANK YOU again for making all this possible.
Always with love Kb xo